Concordant Vibrancy Anthology Book Release!



Welcome one and all! Thanks for joining us today in the celebration of the Release of Concordant Vibrancy: Unity, An All Authors Anthology.

3rd try



All Authors Publishing House, a subsidiary of All Authors Publications & Promotions, is pleased to present its first short story anthology, Concordant Vibrancy .

Concordant Vibrancy represents the interweaving of unity and uniqueness through the eyes of eleven incredible writers. Through the array of genres, all of these talents share a phenomenal love of writing which aims to leave imprints in the reader’s imagination.

Short stories in this collection:
Butterfly Mask” by Nicola McDonagh
Messarii’s Blood Hunt” by D. John Watson
Seven Days” by Harmony Kent
Touch Me” by Andrea Houtsch
… and we” by Adonis Mann
Til Death Do Us Part” by A. Lopez Jr.
Coalesce” by Da’Kharta Rising
Her A to Z” by C. Desert Rose
Lester’s Release” by Synful Desire
The Authentic Snap” by Queen of Spades
Alma’s Unsung Angel” by Y. Correa.


What makes Concordant Vibrancy Different than most Short Story anthologies?

It was best described by Y. Correa, the Founder of All Authors Publications and Promotions …

Excerpt of Concordant Vibrancy:

Once upon a time I sat under a large and old tree—the tree was surrounded by many others like it, all of them contented with one another.
I marveled at the wave of wind that passed by, which like an invisible tide drew past the trees making the leaves on them swish like the perfect choreographed symphony—first one, then swiftly and smoothly the rest followed in suit. It was an inspiring thing to behold.
I thought …
There is no better demonstration of unity than that of Mother Earth. She teaches us that all things are connected—the heavens to the earth, the earth to the ocean, the ocean to the heavens—round and round it goes, dancing without squabble in absolute unison. It truly is a beautiful thing to see.
In addition I pondered …
As the matter of fact, the bigger picture is that the entire universe is connected. Whilst our planet is the size of a marble in comparison to the enormity of our universe, that by no means makes us any less valuable. She, Mother Earth, depends on the universe and vice versa. Could you imagine the impact on our solar system if just one planet became misaligned with the rest, just the smallest bit askew? We would all feel the repercussions of that micro-movement. The surface of earth would spin out of control, ravaging humanity with a cataclysm of natural devastation.
And so, I thought further, and said to myself, “Does humanity not realize the impact they have between one another? Do they not see that one action of strife can cause a wave of destruction?”
While it is true that I do not know you, I know this; you and I are linked simply because we are inhabitants of this planet.
Why do I say these things? Because unity was the foundation of the establishment of All Authors Publications and Promotions.
A year and a half ago a thought occurred to me, it was “Why are authors competing with one another? Why can’t they just work together?” Now I’m certain that I was not the first person to think that way, and certainly not the first to act on it, but I did see that while some authors were trying to work together they were doing it in a way that rivaled one another. It was around that time that the idea of the All Authors Blog Blitz crossed my mind.
I’d done some research on Blog Blitzes, their use and aim, and I thought, we can all do that together. We can create a tidal wave of recognition if we just work together.
What I did not expect was all that would follow after the All Authors Blog Blitz. In less than a year’s time, All Authors Publications and Promotions was born. A place created by an author, for authors, trying to establish unity in this market.
In time the All Authors Magazine was born, then All Authors Graphic Design, then the All Authors Certificate of Excellence, and many more projects.
Some people ask me why I chose the name All Authors. Well, that’s pretty self-explanatory, it’s because we advocate all authors, and try to reach all readers.

So, like leaves on a tree, we are all connected.

Mother Earth, the best example of unity mankind has.

Today, marks the historic event of the RELEASE of Concordant Vibrancy: Unity, An All Authors Anthology. In commemoration of this wonderful day we’ve decided to give 3 lucky people a chance to win a Paperback Copy.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Concordant Vibrancy by Adonis Mann

Concordant Vibrancy

by Adonis Mann

Giveaway ends January 31, 2015.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

Also Available NOW at

Cover Reveal for Concordant Vibrancy Anthology

I am proud to be a part of the Cover Reveal for Concordant Vibrancy! My short story Til Death Do Us Part The anthology is based on a theme of Unity with each story making its own connection to the theme. All Authors Publishing House is putting it all together. Here’s a look:

Cover Reveal


Today we are happy to present you with the cover of
Concordant Vibrancy: Unity, An All Authors Anthology


Before we show you the cover, lets tell you a little bit about Concordant Vibrancy.



All Authors Publishing House, a subsidiary of All Authors Publications & Promotions, is pleased to present its first short story anthology, Concordant Vibrancy.

Concordant Vibrancy represents the interweaving of unity and uniqueness through the eyes of eleven incredible writers. Through the array of genres, all of these talents share a phenomenal love of writing which aims to leave imprints in the reader’s imagination.

Short stories in this collection:

Butterfly Mask” by Nicola McDonagh

Messarii’s Blood Hunt” by D. John Watson

Seven Days” by Harmony Kent

Touch Me” by Andrea Houtsch

and we” by Adonis Mann

Til Death Do Us Part” by A. Lopez, Jr.

Coalesce” by Da’Kharta Rising

Her A to Z” by C. Desert Rose

Lester’s Release” by Synful Desire

The Authentic Snap” by Queen of Spades

Alma’s Unsung Angel” by Y. Correa


It was important to portray both the unification and individuality of each author as well as the theme of this anthology on its cover. In the introduction of Concordant Vibrancy, Y. Correa, the creator of All Authors P&P explains it this way, “like leaves on a tree, we are all connected. Mother Earth, the best example of unity mankind has.

Without further ado, we present you with the cover of Concordant Vibrancy created by All Authors Graphic Design.
3rd try

Now available for Pre-Order at:


State of Horror – Illinois/New Jersey

Two separate anthologies – 26 tales of horror! Both will be released on Tuesday, August 26th in ebook and print formats. My story Ritter House, will be part of the State of Horror – Illinois anthology put together by Charon Coin Press and edited by Jerry Benns.

State of Horror: Illinois

State of Horror Illinois coverIn the depth of winter the field lay barren and cold. The remnants of the recent harvest push through the layers of wind-driven snow. Fields are divided by highways and county roads leading to small towns and solitary farms. Hard to imagine this cold, barren place is alive during the summer. Summertime finds the farms full of life as the vast expanses of cultivated fields come alive with towering stalks of corn. At that time of year the heat, oppressive and heavy, rules this domain and is in stark contrast to the harsh desolation of winter.

Driving North on one of the many interstate highways, one would leave the rolling hills near the Kentucky border behind and travel into the river plains of the Midwest. Traversing through the area, small towns dot the landscape with their little houses, fenced yards and front porches, along with streets laid out in perfect grids. The small towns and fields seem to transform as the car moves farther north along the highway skirting the expanse of larger cities that pop up throughout the state. Then arriving at the final destination of the third most populated US city, Chicago, the essence of Illinois is felt with every mile.

Leave the safety of your world behind and travel the highways to the darker side of Illinois. Let your imagination run wild as you weave a tale of unspeakable horror.

TABLE OF CONTENTS  “ “ “ “ “ “


IntroductionJerry E. Benns

Out Come the WolvesClaire C. Riley

Ritter HouseA. Lopez, Jr.

Chicago MikeDella West

The Ghosts of MorseJulianne Snow

Drowning in the HazelEli Constant

In Chicago, The Dish Is So Deep, No One Can Hear You ScreamFrank J. Edler

Chicago BluesStuart Conover

My Porcelain MonsterEric I. Dean  115

Piasa RemainsHerika R. Raymer

Vishnu SpringsDJ Tyrer

Dying Days: Great MistakesArmand Rosamilia

What‘s Eating the MobP. David Puffinburger

Seek No Longer the BelovedJay Seate

Author Biographies


State of Horror: New Jersey

State of Horror: New JerseyThe wind blows off the Atlantic and the sun beats down on the lotion lathered beach goers while the waves rumble and crash on the shore. Who would have guessed that these beaches once inspired a story that would resonate with moviegoers for decades afterwards. In 1916, a string of vicious shark attacks horrified New Jersey for twelve days, leaving communities shocked and running for the safety of dry land. Later, author Peter Benchley took inspiration from the headlines and penned Jaws, moving the location to New York’s Long Island, but the core of the fear was derived from the Jersey Shores.

The state of New Jersey, bordered by New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, is rich with history as it was one of the original 13 colonies settled, and played a huge part as the country began to take shape. The topology of the state lends a unique opportunity for setting a story, with the northern hills at the base of the Appalachian Mountains and the southern coastal plains. New Jersey is one of the most densely populated areas in the country, however, in a matter of hours, you can leave the cities behind and discover winding roads bordered by green foliage, or get lost in small towns that borders the Atlantic Ocean. The possibilities are endless to weave a modern or historical horror story using the vast settings of New Jersey.

The Pine Barrens of New Jersey holds the legend of the New Jersey Devil, the thirteenth child of Mrs. Leeds, said to be cursed upon birth by his mother and terrifying the countryside for centuries to come. In the original release of State of Horror: New Jersey, authors Scott M. Goriscak, Diane Arrelle, Christian Jensen, and T. Fox Dunham wrote their own twist on the New Jersey legend. Each story by these authors building upon the core legend of the devil, which has been inspiring the imaginations of generations. The upcoming re-release of the State of Horror Anthology will contain the updated versions of these stories and many more chilling tales inspired by the settings of the New Jersey landscape.

Look for these titles and more in 2014 from Charon Coin Press.